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About Fundación Shakespeare Argentina (FSA)

Mission Statement

The FSA aims to spread and encourage the study and artistic productionbased on the works of William Shakespeare through the interaction of academics, playwrights, artists and enthusiasts, creating a forum for national interchange with international projection. Our mission is to bring more Shakespeare to Spanish speaking Latin America bridging the Academics and the Practitioners as well as Translators, Poets and scholars from different backgrounds thus enriching the conversations with local knowledges and traditions.

Wayts that FSA has already practiced green theatre

Our productions have a minimalist set design and costumes are always recycled and look upon second hand clothing and props. Printing is restricted to flyers and Playbills will in a near future only consist of a QR linked to a whole multimedia content on the web. Marketing is web based. Posters & plotted banners will be restricted to specific events where visibility is strictly necessary.

FSA's Goals for Future

Co-producing together with eco-friendly companies and agencies might be the best way to express our awareness and social responsability. The message resonates just as the story on stage. Waste of water and lack of good practices regarding effluents and sewage should be our priority. It would be of much help, to know how these concerns have already been tackled and if "on stage" , on which Play, Act , Scene etc.
