Shakespeare’s Associates, producers of the Livermore Shakespeare Festival, is the premier professional theater company in the Tri-Valley, located at the center of the San Francisco megaregion. Founded in 2002, the company produces the outdoor summer Shakespeare in the Vineyard program; a 10-week, common-core aligned in-schools program So Wise So Young; among other smaller site-specific productions, readings and educational programs.
Mission Statement
Inspired by William Shakespeare, who through the rhetoric and poetry of the English language, gave voice to the deepest experience of being human, we are committed to creating community through the production of high quality professional theater experiences. We produce and support theatrical events that explore and celebrate the human spirit. We create a company that is accessible and integrated with the Tri-Valley and Greater San Francisco Bay Area.
Ways that Shakespeare's Associates has already practiced “green” theatre
We offer housing to artists in the homes of host donors to reduce travel.
We rely on the creativity of designers to borrow, recycle and re-make costumes and props. When we buy from thrift stores, we'll re-donate items for another reuse.
We are avid recyclers and include recycling and composting education in our first meeting talk with the acting company. We separate compost, recycling and garbage.
We generally work with wineries and caterers who farm organically and/or sustainably, and source local foods.
Ways that Shakespeare's Associates has already used their productions to highlight local or global ecological issues
We perform outdoors in wineries in or adjacent to the Urban Growth Boundary, allowing patrons to experience the benefits of preserving nature around us.
Donors have dedicated their program ad space to local environmental nonprofits.
What are Shakespeare's Associates' eco-theatrical goals and aspirations for the future? What do they want to work on and achieve? What kind of help and advice would be useful to them?
To add thematic content, either through non-Shakespearean texts, or the artistic vision for a Shakespeare text, that relates to preserving the planet.