Recycled Shakespeare Company, located in Fairfield, Maine, USA, was founded in 2014 on the mission to entertain and educate the community on a minimal budget, while relying primarily on used and recycled materials, local enthusiasts, and royalty free productions. All our plays are free to the public, all who audition get a part, and we strive to create sustainable theater.
Mission Statement
To entertain and educate the community on a minimal budget, while relying primarily on used and recycled materials, local enthusiasts, and royalty free productions.
Ways that Recycled Shakespeare Company has already practiced “green” theatre
We rehearse and perform in spaces that are already in use for other purposes, rather than building a new location or heating/cooling a space that serves only one purpose. Many performances take place outdoors. 80% of all props, costumes, and sets are made from recycled/repurposed materials. We limit printing to the absolute minimum. Recycled Shakespeare Company (RSC) strives to create sets/props/costumes rather than order them for shipment. We encourage carpooling to rehearsals and performances. RSC asks local businesses and people for donations of boxes, used bed sheets, and other materials that otherwise would be thrown away, which we use to create sets/props/costumes. Post show, we recycle any unusable material that fits within the parameters of the local recycling plant. We save any usable pieces that are 6-inches or larger for later use. Food scraps are composted or given to cast member's chickens. Our programs and posters are printed on recycled paper. Programs are laid out to serve as mini-posters for upcoming events as well. Portions of programs that cannot be reused are recycled and the mini-posters are put up around town or used as handouts at other events. Our programs often include information about greening practices and conservation. RSC also attends community events to promote sustainable living and hosts/participates in town cleanup initiatives.
Ways that Recycled Shakespeare Company has already used their productions to highlight local or global ecological issues
Our programs have ad space dedicated to conservation information. We always make a point to indicate that what people are seeing is a result of sustainable practices. We often perform outdoors, using nature as our setting.
What are Recycled Shakespeare Company's eco-theatrical goals and aspirations for the future? What do they want to work on and achieve? What kind of help and advice would be useful to them?
Our goal is to create theater using 99% recycled/repurposed materials. We would like to cut down even more on paper waste. We intend for our next production to highlight the climate crisis. It would benefit us to hear what other theaters are doing and how we can encourage local theaters and businesses to meet sustainable goals.