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About NY Classical

Since 2000, NY Classical Theatre has presented over 700 all-free performances for more than 250,000 New Yorkers. We have produced extensively in non-traditional settings using our signature staging style, Panoramic Theatre. NY Classical firmly believes that everyone—regardless of social, economic, or educational background—should have the opportunity to enjoy live professional theatre together as a community. Through the lens of classical theatre, everyone comes to better understand human nature. Our free, engaging performances interpreted for approachable spaces inspire experienced theatergoers to reconnect with the classics and build new and future audiences.

Mission Statement
NY Classical Theatre’s mission is to create and reinvigorate audiences for the theatre by presenting all-free productions of popular classics and forgotten masterpieces in accessible public spaces throughout the five boroughs.

Ways that NY Classical has already practiced “green” theatre
Our outdoor productions take place in public green spaces and we act as stewards, leaving our parks cleaner than we find them. We actively encourage a re-use/recycle policy at our offices and make every attempt to minimize waste in our productions. All program materials are cell-phone based, our lighting/radio equipment is rechargeable, and costumes and props are stored locally and re-used. In addition, several of our donor benefits encourage environmentally friendly practice.

Ways that NY Classical has already used their productions to highlight local or global ecological issues
We highlight our commitment to global ecological issues through our practice. We also have an environmental statement on our website.

What are NY Classical's eco-theatrical goals and aspirations for the future? What do they want to work on and achieve? What kind of help and advice would be useful to them?
We would like to be able to use exclusively fully recycled paper products and, ideally, become a (nearly) paperless office.

Interview with Stephen Burdman, artistic director, for EarthShakes

Visit NY Classical's official website here